Friday, December 11, 2020

Out With The Old, In With The New

We are heading to the end of 2020, The Year That Was.  It's almost over thank God, so now what?  As I write, I have been reflecting on this awful year and the creation of this blog.  I'd like to share more of my thoughts as we move forward from today.

The creation of Beginning Again was originally used as therapy. As I've noted, I journal regularly and this blog was to put my journal thoughts into more of a public venue.  It's served it's purpose as I've moved on with my life.  I've put my mindset into making myself open and available for new opportunities.  Frankly, I have learned a lot about myself along this six month journey.  These learning points I'd like to share as they may resonate with others who have traveled this same path.  I may have expressed some of these thoughts in the past but to close out 2020, some may need to be repeated.

The first and most important thing I learned is that I'm okay.  We are all okay, Whole, Perfect and Complete in the eyes of God.  Do not doubt this fact for one minute as God has made all of us in His image and in this image, we are who we are.  This tiger can't change her stripes at this point in life, I can only work to improve myself and try to make the world a little bit better place.  Using the power of my "pen" will be my method as we move forward into 2021.

Secondly, I bounced back from major disappointment and heartache.  I had the rug ripped out from under me so hard, I was left dazed and stunned to say the least.  8 months later, I have a new house, new life, some new friends and my sanity.  Thank you God for the ability to survive.  We all have this same survival instinct.  Use that instinct and common sense to move on.  Trust and listen to that still small voice inside you.  Your Higher Self will never fail you.

Thirdly, I have a backbone of steel.  This blog was originally meant to be about my thoughts on life but it morphed into religion and politics and I found out there are an awful lot of people who disagree with me.  That's okay as we are all entitled to our own opinions and I respect that.  Some of these people however, sadly called me names, were condescending and frankly rude.  I do not need family or friends like them in my life and neither does anyone else.  A Facebook purging is in order as 2021 commences.

Fourth, I'm actually grateful for 2020.  I found peace of mind and a new beginning.  I found out that I could move 500 miles away from my home of 20 years and be at peace.  I also came to understand that only quality people should be allowed in your life . Choose friends who possess honesty, integrity, pure hearts and souls.  I did and won the prize. 

So where does this leave me, all of us as we move into 2021?  I'm officially again calling 2021 The Year of Promise.  With this promise, I will not stop writing my blog, however; I'm not publishing it every week.  As I healed, I came to realize I don't have enough material or imagination to try to carry this out every week.  Starting in January, I'll attempt to publish once a month.  If something more comes up during the month, expect to hear from me.  I do not have the stomach for politics any longer as it has simply nauseated me.   I'll keep those comments in my private chat groups. I've said my peace on that subject and will not waiver in my beliefs.  I am however scared for our country and our society as a whole.  With this being stated, my journey going forward is a spiritual journey.  I'll be expressing my thoughts on a higher plain and hopefully they will resonate. 

So to wrap up 2020, this is my last blog for the year.  The next two weeks will be spent enjoying the Christmas season with friends and Kristina.  I'll be putting together my New Year's Intentions in order to move forward with a happy, healthy heart.  2021, The Year of Promise will be a year of change, a year of new birth and awakening for all of us. I pray for health, happiness and a purpose for living for all my family and friends.  May God bless and keep you.

On New Year’s Day 1979, the Daily Word’s affirmation was “Today is a new beginning.” The accompanying verse was “I press on towards the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 3:14  ~Amen~

Friday, December 4, 2020

The Gaslighting of America

 As we move into December, we are finally finishing up 2020 The Year That Was.  I have chosen to put 2020 behind me.  Hindsight is 2020 and this is the year I want to look back at in my rearview mirror. Hopefully we never have another year like this one again.  Reflecting back, nothing seems clear or logical, nothing seems frankly remotely possible.  Nothing in 2020 was the real deal, just an illusion, a weird coincidence or just plain false.  We've been spoon fed little bits of truth by social media and Fake News.  They have twisted the truth in to their own reality and have used censorship to stop the flow of real information, logic and common sense.  This my friends is gaslighting.   

The definition of Gaslighting is making people question their judgement and sanity by deceiving them systematically.  It's a term that was used in the movie and stage play of the same name.  In the story, the victim's husband tries to convince his wife that she is insane.  He did this by twisting and distorting small pieces of the truth into her daily existence.   The husband accomplished this by insisting she was wrong, or had false memories or that she was in fact delusional.  When the wife tried to defend herself, she was mocked, ridiculed or made to think she was a lunatic.  Sound familiar?  Sadly, this year more so than in the past, we as a society have been gaslighted.  This week we're going to explore the topic so that we can begin 2021 with a new understanding and knowledge of the truth.  So let us examine a few examples of gaslighting.  

A popular form of gaslighting by the Left has to do with accusations of racism.  Only one person, a nameless individual who was too cowardly to identify herself (I know who it was by the way) actually came out and called me names after I published God Bless America.  I have to laugh at this person as she is a good example of someone who has drank the Koolaid.  She does not know me as an adult, so who is she to suggest something so vile?  She threw out insults by calling me a racist, a liar and a coward.  It doesn't matter now as I deleted the comment from my blog as dignifying her insane comments seemed ludicrous to me.  But screaming racism is a perfect example of how the left goes about the business of gaslighting.  

The second area the left likes to gaslight is religion.  For many years, the left has been feeding the false illusion that God is dead or those of faith are just a bunch of dumb downed robots who are worshipping a ghost.  Billions of people over millions of years have put their hope and trust in a deity of their choice. None will say they are unfulfilled with what they believe.  No one I know will ever tell you in their hearts and souls, their form of deity is false.  Those of faith know what they believe is real.   Folks, the gaslighting of religion is what makes a society weak and ripe for a take over.  The left hates religion as their religion is lies and false hope.  Arm up spiritual warriors and pick up your crosses and fight the fight.

Another area where left loves to gaslight is in social media.  The so called Facebook fact checkers really are a creative lot with what they perceive is fact verses fiction.  I love it when some fact checker points out in a post for instance about Covid 19, what they perceive is the truth as told by Dr Fauci.  He's supposedly the end all and be all of Covid information.  Too many well known and well respected scientists have pointed out that wearing masks is not effective.  The young, gullible Facebook fact checker immediately assumes the scientist is wrong and Dr Facui is correct.  By the way, Dr Fauci can't keep straight his position on the wearing of the dumb thing.  What he has effectively done  and has been allowed to do, is scare the living crap out of society.  We now must stand 6 feet away from our fellow human, we can no longer attend public events indoors or out in the open (unless it's a riot or left wing protest) or children go to school.  Drop the mask folks, make yourself known to society again and be the individual you were born to be.  As my friend Ginny pointed out recently; wearing the mask makes us invisible.  

The left has been gaslighting us on the subject of defunding the police.  That's just laughable as hand gun and ammo sales are at an all time high, now that the criminals are being let lose to loot and destroy?  Private citizens, especially in the inner cities, are trying to protect their families, homes and way of life.  Police are retiring or quitting the forces in droves as who in the world wants to be vilified for doing their job?  I smiled when I read the police were called out to the homes of the mayors of Chicago and Seattle as they were under attack by looters and rioters.  These two fools needed protection from the very thugs they so proudly defended.  Oh sweet justice when a Washington State Congress Critter needed police protection when her house was looted and partially destroyed.  Meanwhile, this nutcase wanted her local police defunded.  Better for me than thee... Wake up fellow citizens, we need the police, fire and other forms of protection, this is our basic right.  The second amendment needs to stand, be left alone and defended.  Don't drink the Koolaid, do not let yourselves be gaslighted.

The left loves to call us out when we the tax paying citizens, disagree with the destruction of our major cities.  Friends this is another form of gaslighting.  The City of New York is a good example of a city that is now a shithole as thugs were allowed to destroy it.  The mayor of this city is a known marxist, a communist and anti American lunatic who now has public agencies spying on Jewish synagogues, parks in Jewish neighborhoods and schools. Shades of 1932 Germany, shades of gaslighting the public.  Citizens of these late great cities like New York, Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis or Milwaukee better wake up quick as they are losing their homes and business to gangs, drug dealers, thugs and roving bands of terrorists.  These once beautiful cities have been destroyed and They say we're the crazy ones?!  Simple question,  who's paying for this garbage, who's got the deep pockets funding this crap?

Finally the biggest form of gaslighting taking place today is the lockdowns.  Social interaction is a basic human right and a necessity.  More depression and suicides have occured since these barbaric lockdowns began.  As I write, Los Angeles County has been put on complete lockdown for the next three weeks!  This is communism, this is not for public safety.  This is for control of the masses, not to stop the spread of a virus that 98% of the population will recover from.  By the way, what ever happened to cases of the seasonal flu? People have lost their homes, businesses and way of life due to locking down society.  This is not communist China, Cuba or Venezuela.  This is America and we fell for this bull#$%@; we have been gaslighted.  

In a previous blog, I named 2021 The Year of Promise.  Let's move into 2021 by promising ourselves we will objectively look at the truth and objectively see society as it really is.  We need to stop reading social media and watching Fake News.  We need to stop accepting it as gospel truth.  Open your eyes, see the reality and gravity of what's going on.  My friends, we're on the verge of losing our country and worse our rights as American citizens.  People, we have been gaslighted!  Now is the time to wake up and smell the coffee before it's too late.

On Wednesday, September 21, 1988, the Daily Word's affirmation was "I rejoice in the truth that sets me free."  The accompanying verse was: "You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." John 8:32    ~ Amen~