Thursday, January 21, 2021

2021 - The Great Reset

2021, The Year of Promise has finally arrived like the proverbial lion, with a big roar and lot's of bite.  2021 will be a year of reset and rebalance.  This will be a year we collectively search our hearts and souls, and look within.  2021 promises to be a year like never before.  But before I proceed, I'd like to bring my readers up to date on my life and journey as after all, this is my personal blog.  

The holidays were special, new beginnings and new traditions.  New people have come into my life that offer positive and inspirational ideas and opportunities.  I am like a butterfly, leaving my cocoon and flying again.  An opportunity to travel to Cairo in April was presented, and I snatched it up as fast as possible.  Look for blog posts and Instagram pictures as I make my way through Egypt for 12 days.  Egypt is a bucket list country,  I'm excited to set foot on it's amazing soil and soak in the history of the Egyptian people.  The rest of 2021...we'll see but for now my focus is Egypt and the adventures it holds.

For now then, let us commence into the topic at hand, 2021.  As we enter into these trying times of the reset of America and watch what conceivably will be a period of angst and aggression, how can we stay balanced and true to ourselves?  As many of you have most likely noticed, I've done a reset of my life and beliefs these last two years.  My traditional values and beliefs have expanded into the great unknowing and new horizons.  What we don't know, I'm exploring, what we don't understand, I'm investigating and what seems out of balance, I'll try to explain in the coming months.  What I do know is this; there is much more to life, much more to what our minds can explain and comprehend.  So for January, let's explore what I call the Great Reset.

The Great Reset is happening as I type.  No, I'm not talking about the change of leadership in the United States, although I have plenty to say.  What I'm referring to is the reset of our minds, our hearts and our souls.  Resetting from hate to love, from lack of respect to respect for everyone's opinions and the acceptance, that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs without holding judgement.  As a person who is always trying to walk with integrity, I have my mind set on accepting everyone else for who they are, whether or not I hold the same views, values or morals.  We do not have to be Facebook friends or break bread together, but we must accept the opinions of others.  Nothing good is going to come from constant arguing and ill feelings.  I've said enough in past blogs and have been just as guilty as others. 

What as a Light Worker must I do, to bring order and unity to the world?  I've been doing quite a bit of study and research on the teachings of Christ, the Buddha and some other mystics and teachers that resonate with me.  What has become crystal clear in my mind is the fact all these great teachers have the same core message, Love.  All the great spiritual leaders embrace the fact that we must love one another.  Love is the key to changing ourselves, our communities and the world.

So what can I do as a blogger, a patriotic American, a resident of planet earth, to bring love and forgiveness to our every day thought and existence?  I have a few ideas (wouldn't you know):

  • React not with anger but with respect.  Let's face it, no one can possibly agree with anyone else one hundred percent of the time, eighty percent works just fine.  What do we do with that other twenty percent?  We listen and try to understand the perspective of the other.  More infighting and wars have been created by not taking the time to carefully listen and respect the views of the other side.  If we would open our minds and ask questions of the other, possibly we could all get along.  
  • Look at the other person as a person, not the enemy.  We are all brothers and sisters in God's eyes.  The Buddha said; "Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts."  Jesus stated; " But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you."
  • Do not judge.  I try not to judge and promise to continue to improve moving forward.  Something that turned me off to mainstream thought is the constant judgement of others.  I found those who judge are those who do not agree with the beliefs of others.  They seem to think they hold the moral high ground!  The judgments start flying and resentment sets in. The Buddha says, "whoever judges others digs a pit for themselves.  Those who obsess about the sins of others are usually those in the need of repentance."  Or as Jesus said, "and how can you see the splinter in your brother's eye, and not see the board in your own eye?"   I am guilty as charged!
  • Finally, in the words of the Beatles, "all you need is love."
So my friends, let's look at each other without judgement, not as the enemy, not with anger but with respect.  Let's love each other as we would ask them to love us.  I promise I will keep this in my mind as I walk forward every day on my path to greater good and enlightenment.

On Tuesday December 20, 1994, the Daily Word published this beautiful affirmation about respect:  "I give others the same love and respect I want to receive."
The  accompanying verse was: "Therefore, all things whatsoever that you wish that men would do to you, do so also to them.  For this is the law and the prophets."  Matthew 7:12
