Monday, May 31, 2021

Our Family Hero

We all have heroes in our lives, those who stand out in our memories as people having done great things.  For most of us it's a parent, grandparent or a person in history.  For me it's cousin Tom, a great American hero in my book.  This Memorial Day, I am honoring Tom for his service, dedication to the United States and the freedoms and liberties we all enjoy.  Tom died defending our way of life and there's a story to be told.

Tommy (as my dad always called him) was born February 27, 1920 in Santa Maria, California.  He was the only child of Abdon and Grace Ontiveros.  Tom and my dad grew up on neighboring farms, that were part of land inherited from their great grandfather, Juan Pacifico Ontiveros and earlier Spanish land grants.  As the story goes, they camped, hunted and fished together as young boys growing up.  Daddy always said Tom was his best friend. I'm sure Tom felt the same.

Tom caught the flying bug quite young.  In 1940, records show he signed up as an Aviation Cadet at the Tex Rankin flight school in Tulare, California.  He had studied and worked as an aviation mechanic at Hancock College in Santa Maria.  Tom's Selective Service card shows he registered with the U.S. military in July of 1941.  When Pearl Harbor was bombed in December of the same year, I believe Tom was called to action.  The Santa Maria Times reported on August 4, 1942, that Tom was made Assistant Flight Commander in the US Army Air Corp.  Through my research, I found many articles reporting on the different honors he received while serving in The American Theater of Operations.   Tom was a man of honor, dignity and American values.

I started my family research in 2010.   After researching the "main players,"  Tom became the point of almost obsession for me as we really never did know what actually happened to him.  After quite a bit of time and patience, his last hours were found and will be reported here.

On November 3, 1943, Tom was the co-pilot flying a B-250 bomber that took off from the U.S. airbase in Gerbini, Sicily.   He was part of the 12th bomber group in the 83rd squadron.  The weather was reported as bad, with a 10 to 12 mile visibility.  There were five crew members on board, no additional passengers were reported and the final destination was La Marsa, Tunisia.  They took off at 9:30 am and contact was lost shortly after. No wreckage was ever found nor were any communications ever received.  The War Department published their final report on November 25, 1943.  

On December 22, 1943, the Santa Maria Times reported Tom as missing in action since November 3.  Dad said he was notified while on his ship in the Pacific.  Imagine the shock for his parents and family, not ever knowing his fate until I got nosey and started investigating.  My belief is Aunt Grace hung the Gold Star Family flag from her farmhouse window, commemorating the loss of her only child.  How sad to think, she died never knowing the true details of his final moments.

2Lt  Abdon Tomas Ontiveros Jr. is noted on the Tablet of the Missing at the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery and Memorial, in Nettuno, Citta Metropolitana di Roma Capitale, Lazio Italy.  May God rest your soul cousin Tom.  You will never be forgotten.

The Tablet in Roma,  Tom is noted at the top        

Gold Star Mother's Flag

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Rejoicing In A Balanced Life

Here we are in May.  Putting this blog has not been easy as I've had writer's block or so I thought. I've had such a hard time trying to put my thoughts into words this month.  The month devoted to mothers was going to be the month where I expounded on my experience as a mother, the month where I again honor my own mother and my grannies.  But alas, that's not where this blog is headed although I love and miss my mom and grannies every day.  Something more has smacked me in the face this month.  That is balance and the seeking of balance in our lives today.  

It's crazy isn't it, we're now into the 5th month of 2021!  What happened to the last four months?  All of the sudden it's spring time, flowers are blooming and our daily walks have been moved up to earlier in the day, due to my low riding dog and hot pavement.  I've been in Idaho almost a year and the changes to my life and my own personal "well being" have been amazing.  These days, I seem to have my dance card filled daily with something.  I have manifested gym workouts, golf games, walks, hikes, bike rides, painting parties (yes I painted a picture albeit not a good one) and noshing with the peeps on a Friday night.  I've also been able to fit time in for meditation, prayer work and the reading of my spiritual books and inspirations.  

When I arrived in Idaho, I frankly was broken, sad and very lonely.  Thanks to my girls and new friends, my loneliness and sadness have turned into joy and personal well being.  I love being outside in the air again, mixing it up with new people, places and adventures.  I'm finally starting to see life balanced out and have finally begun to enjoy living alone again (the daughter is here periodically).   I bought a bicycle and have started riding the neighborhood streets.  I hadn't ridden a bike in 20 years but after I had the seat and handle bars adjusted, off I went down the street and circled the block a couple of times!  It needs a better seat as my bony butt is not too comfortable and I'd like a small basket so I can ride past the mail box on my way home, but all and all riding my bike is now my new hobby.

But is this a balanced life?  I'm not sure as I do think there's much more to life itself.  Now that it's warm and I can sit out on my patio, serious reading has begun again.  My new reading material is more of a spiritual nature, as exploring new thoughts and ideas are a way to grow.  I've been taking courses with a spiritual teacher who I consider a personal friend and my thoughts have been expanded past what seemed possible three years ago.  

My writing has started to veer off into new direction as well.  My daily journal has begun a journey of it's own with new thoughts and ideas.  Since we still can't travel far, I've started manifesting the next trip to Scotland.  The drive over to Seattle has been postponed to June or July and I can't wait for Suzanne to post her next Sedona event dates for September (hint, hint, hint).  

Getting up each morning has become easier and easier, the early bird does catch the worm.  I watch very little news as I can't take the fake news lies any longer.  But I do listen to lot's of music and my favorite songs from the past are favorites again today.  I still tweet, occasionally post a picture on Instagram, and comment on Facebook but nothing like I used to.  The all consuming social media has disappeared.  What has replaced it is introspection, exercise and fun.

So rereading these words, yes I do think my life is in balance.  A little here, a little there and viola` life!  My suggestion to my readers is, review your own life and check and see if you're in balance.  You will be amazed at how in line you are to yourself, God and your fellow human.  If not, then there's no time like the present to get a head start, balance it all out and enjoy!

On Sunday August 13, 1973, the Daily Word published this affirmation: "I rejoice in living a balanced life." 

"This is the way, walk in it." Isaiah 30:21

The Bike