I am one who sits and ponders the past, time with my parents and grandparents and consider myself a nostalgic person. I think all the time of growing up in the late 1950's and 1960's and wonder to myself, what happened to the America we once knew? This month I'm going to take us down memory lane and explore the America we grew up in compared to the America we live in now.
I remember sitting on the swing in our back yard in Pasadena. We used to swing, play dolls and have tea parties all day. I remember smelling the trash burning in the neighbor's incinerator and hearing sonic booms in the background while waiting to be called in for lunch. In those days, the days of Chuck Yeager, John Glenn and John F. Kennedy, we felt as though we were on the precipice of greatness. I'm dating myself back to 1961 where Telstar was on the cover of the Weekly Reader, Jacqueline Kennedy was our gracious first lady and 3 of four grandparents were alive and well. Those were the days; Dennis The Menace, Mr. Ed, Leave It To Beaver and Gunsmoke were the popular TV shows we watched and Vietnam was just another country on the map. I was just a little kid, had no clue as to what life was or would become. My Barbie and Ken were my best friends and my cat Mimi had just had a litter of six kittens. I say this now as I was such an innocent baby, we all were, life even for adults was different then compared to now. I'm sure my parents had plenty of worries and fears. My dad went through two wars in the navy so he knew of what could be. How would we ever have guessed, 60 years later, America would be in throes of a socialist take over and on the verge of complete societal collapse.
Today, life has completely changed. Today we have anarchists' running the streets, tearing down cities and wrecking havoc to those who try to defend themselves and their property. Private property seems to have no meaning any longer. The worthless politicians are now trying to put a moratorium on renters so they no longer need to pay rent! These dimwits do not understand that the rents pay the mortgages and the banks expect the payments to be paid on time every month or penalties will be assessed. No longer do the business owners, landlords and private citizens walking the streets have a voice. The voice of the tax paying citizen has gone and been replaced. How about we the tax payer, stop paying our taxes? These worthless politicians would squeal like stuck pigs!
Americans in 1961 would not have imagined the chaos that seems to permeate our cities and states. Our social mores have disappeared and the lack there of is affecting our children and grandchildren. We have destroyed our civilization, much like the Romans back at the time of Nero. Our worthless politicians have let the criminals out of prisons to wreck havoc on society. The hopefully soon to be ex governor of California is emptying his prisons of this garbage, and allowing them to run rough shot over the cities he was elected to protect. What happened to the success of the civil rights marches in the early 1960's? Vile racist talk now has again permeated our society and racism is now being used as an convenient excuse.
So, what can be done to change our society and live in peace again? I have a few suggestions and I pray they are understood in the correct way and not twisted.
Recognize we are ALL created equal under the constitution and under God. Do now look at anyone as less than but as equal to.
Keep the criminals locked up. It's high time we understand that there are consequences to bad behavior. The Bible says and eye for an eye, if one kills or maims an innocent, they are locked up and the key thrown away.
Take back our cities with law and order and stop the madness. The police are there for a reason, treat them with respect as we must have laws to protect the innocent. Yes, there are bad cops but there are also bad politicians, bad clergy, bad seeds everywhere. The bad will never out weigh the good so weed them out.
Stop voting for the garbage. To take America back, we need honest, decent, fair minded men and women to run our cities, states and country. The career politicians need to go, term limits applied and good hard working civic minded people must be elected into office (on both sides of the aisle). We must stop voter fraud and intimidation. Sorry folks but fraud got us to where we are today and I will not back down from this statement.
Finally, get back to basics, love your family, your friends and your country again. I do not care what your religious beliefs are but basic morals and values, love and positive energy must replace the rotgut that permeates our culture today. Getting back to basics means, the crap taught in our public schools must be replaced with reading, writing and arithmetic. Our colleges and universities need to change their standards and teach our kids careers and skills not social indoctrination. We have kids graduating from college with no understanding of basic economics or how businesses are run. Two plus two now equals five! Morals and values need to be taught at home, by parents and grandparents, not by teachers or daycare providers.
Our country and the world as whole is at stake. It's in our hands, not the hands of the Deep State politicians who's only desire is money and destroying our lives for their own gain. It's time my friends, to take back America!
Me in Pasadena 1960