Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Boys Will Be Boys

This time last year, Bonnie and I were settling into our new life in Idaho.  We had been here for 8 months, and we were both still trying to get used to the stark differences we found in the high desert.  We loved the sunshine even in the cold, the new friends we had made and the daily walkies unobstructed by rain, slippery moss and too cold for comfort wind.  We were out and about practically every day.  We’d walk the mile around the block and then home to a snack and a nap (for Bonnie not Mommy.)  Bonnie loved her car rides to the post office, Chick-fil-A and an occasional drive to look at the scenery.  We sat out on the patio on warm days and contemplated our changed life.  We were together 24/7, we were best friends, and I miss her in ways I cannot even try to describe.

Sadly, this year she's gone and I'm still here.  I've got two new little boys living here with me now, two little rascals who are filling the deep chasm Bonnie left in my heart.  Getting used to these guys hasn’t always been easy, as two puppies are a challenge even in the best of situations.  I’ve found out I’m not as young as I used to be, and my patience tends to wear a bit thin.  This morning I could have sold them off to the highest bidder, but I looked in those big brown eyes and my heart melted all over again. You see, I’m a sucker for brown eyes and sharp teeth!  Anyone who claims I was taking on a huge job, raising two rambunctious puppies was correct.  They also did not apparently know me very well.  I took the challenge and I'm living with the changes in my life.  What the hell, I'm retired, I've got the time and the love to make this succeed.  

Every night I go to bed very tired and wake up in the morning with all my senses on high alert.  These two dudes are trouble with a capital T if I don't keep a close eye on them.  Terriers are special, and being a Scottie and a Westie, makes them even more "special."  To start with, they're smart, mischievous, and frankly indestructible.  Add to this mix a large dash of Scottish tenacity and voila, instant trouble.  The dudes have learned to walk on a leash.  Now that the weather is warming up, a daily walkie is imperative.  Just to tire them out is my number one thought and two, they need fresh air and exercise.  We have finally been able to walk around the small block I live on.  When we get home, they both flop down in their playpen with a huge grin on their little faces.  A cookie treat, and a long nap revies them for the next go round of high energy and lots of barking.  When they're tired, they talk to each other, laying down wherever they decide, and carry on like two teenage boys at a slumber party.  It's loud but amusing none the less.  The high volume on the TV is very noticeable when they nod off to sleep.

In my heart, I know Bonnie dropped these guys into my life for her own satisfaction.  I'd forgotten how wild a baby she was and the watchful eye we constantly kept on her. She used to fly from the couch to the chair to the floor and back again.  She was hard to keep up with but we survived!  Now I have a duo, and I keep asking myself, "oh my gosh what have I done?!"  Bonnie is probably laughing hysterically at me from the heavenly realms watching me react.   I can't keep a pair of socks or slippers on my feet.  The no chew spray keeps being applied everywhere, including my toes!

I'm very particular about the tidiness of my house, dishes sitting in the sink, dust on my furniture and yes, clean floors.  Some may say I'm anal retentive about my home as I've always had a pride of ownership.  365 days ago, my house was spotless and one could eat off my floors.  Not anymore, and I now have a huge investment in Clorox wipes, floor cleaning pads and Mrs. Meyers cleaning spray.  I'm simply going with the flow and figuring I'll get the carpets cleaned when these dudes are potty trained.   I also wash my floors every chance I get and stock in Swift Jet should be going up….  

Bonnie slept next to me every night and her comforting presence is still felt in the still hours of the early morning.  She helped me dry my tears and I can still feel her leaning against my back when I wake up.  It's weird to think I'm all alone at night as for so many years, there was always someone beside me.  It takes some getting used to but I finally like it and frankly, I sleep much better.  The dudes, however, have their own room and a crate to curl up in at night.  There they will continue to sleep for the rest of their lives.  They don't utter a peep when I tuck them in a night, and I do not feel any guilt they're in there by themselves.  It's simply a relief that they're okay, quiet and I can breathe calmly.  The crate idea was brilliant and thank you God for the inspiration!

The play pen is another Godsend.  I let the guys run the house for about 30 minutes at a time, as they tire themselves out running the circular route in my family room.  Throughout the day, the dudes return to the play pen, to rest and regroup.  They go in on their own, lay down and allow themselves a nice nap after a session of heavy-duty playtime. When I go out in the afternoon or evening, they have room to move, play and potty but I must however remember to close the latch.  I recently went out for an afternoon and came home to the boys greeting me at the back door.  They didn't destroy the house, but they did stretch the toilet paper in my bathroom out as far as it would go, and it goes a long way by the way...  So, note to self; before I leave the house, secure and padlock that gate!

In conclusion, the boys have slowly wormed their way into my heart and soul.  I keep telling myself that this time next year, they'll be calmed down and donning full breed appropriate Scottish beards and mustaches.  They will have a designated place on the back of the couch to watch the birdies in the back yard, much like Bonnie did.  They'll also be less their peanuts as an unneutered male dog is just not my style.  No humping or inappropriate actions here folks, this is a straight and narrow establishment!  The boys will be young men, still wanting my attention and I'm praying they won't be fighting over my lap like they do now.  We shall see but for now, boys will be boys, and they are just perfect for me.  This is love folks, that all-encompassing love that seems to have filled my heart once again and I am truly gratefulđź’•

                                                Toby at his angelic best...

                                                 Stuart the handsome devil he is...

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Power of Love

The year 2022 is the year I named "New Beginnings."  I began 2022 with much thought, prayer and introspection.  I vowed to write about spiritual, uplifting subjects so I've decided this year I would dedicate this blog to the subject of love.  I'm not talking about romantic love, although we will touch on that subject here and there.  I want to concentrate on true love, that love that comes from the Divine Love of God.  Therefore, as we enter February, the month of love as amplified on Valentine's Day, we will kick off the theme by discussing how love has touched my heart.  So let's get started, jump right in and enjoy the moment...

The most powerful emotion in human history is love.  I can remember the first time I felt true love, the wonderful feeling I felt when the phone rang, and it was HIM on the other end of the line. I’d had boyfriends prior to HIM but he was love.  We dated for six years but sadly, he was not the type to commit to anyone and in those days, my early 30’s, I wanted to get married, raise a family and have a life with a committed partner.  That relationship ended and we both moved on.  I looked him up several years ago and found out he had gotten married, late in life like I did, and had died in 2006.  I hope he had lived a happy life, was fulfilled in his marriage and died happy and with peace in his heart.  I look back fondly on those six years as I grew up, matured and  I continue to remember the many blessings when thinking back on that relationship.  

When I finally got married, I had fallen in love again, and together we raised our one and only.  True pure love was revealed to me when I held that sweet baby for the first time and looked into her big brown eyes.  That was love and my one and only still holds my heart today as she did that day, almost 27 years ago.  The love we feel for our children is the most profound of loves.  We watch them grow up, help them pave their way in life and let them fly away when the time is right.  Loving parents do that I feel, with that little hole in our hearts remembering the special times we had, especially when they were small.   I’ve known helicopter mothers over the years, the overbearing grizzly mama bears that try to dictate to their children, their own unfulfilled dreams and ideas.  Living  my life through my child was never me. I have hopefully let my child pave her own way, make her own mistakes all the while knowing I’m here if she needs me.  In my humble opinion, and prove me wrong, this is how loving parents who want healthy children should behave.   

Now as I move forward, I’ll will love from afar, those who remain close to my heart.  I’ve realized over the last three or four years, true love lives in our hearts.  Divine Love radiates from those who are truly tapped into source, the One, that Love Energy from God.  As I have worked through the heartache from the loss of my third love, and the sadness it did not work out, I’ve come to realize that the true love of Spirit, is that which directs my life.  It is without exception, the most profound source of love.  I am one of the most blessed people alive.  I’ve experienced true romantic love 3 times, the love for a child and now I’m fully experiencing the true love of God.  I pray for those in my life who are experiencing what they feel as the lack of love.  Please begin to look within, search your heart, and you will find true love.  It's there, one just has to identify and embrace it and your life will change.  What I have now (and had all along) is I want to share with the rest of humanity.  Please contact me if you feel you need assistance tapping into source.  I will help you on your path to true love.

As I look at the world today, with its many conflicts, problems and fears based on man’s skewed intent, the love from the Divine needs to be restored in all corners of the world.  Where God is present, alive, and allowed to be recognized, is where we find love.  Some find it in churches and other places of worship, some find love when they look at a rainbow or see a shooting star.  Others, find love by tapping into their hearts.  As this stage of life, tapping into my heart and feeling the spirit of the Divine, is the way I have found God's love.  That Christ Consciousness is alive and well and is my source of contentment and peace.  It took me awhile to find it, recognize it for what it is and fully live in its presence.  My way may not be the right way for everyone, but it serves its purpose for me.  I’m not out to spread redemption and condemnation on those who do not agree.  Frankly, I resent those who’ve tried it with me.  The "my way or the highway" is not acceptable and this mindset is what has contributed to the problems we find in the world today.  My goal is to simply share what I have found, and to be at peace.

Therefore, as we march into February, the month of love, let’s begin to magnify the love and peace from the Divine.  Let us all keep our hearts and minds open to the infinite and let us all help spread peace on earth.  Each one of us plays a part, each one of us has a stake, we are all responsible for the environment in which we live.  Show love and have positive intent in each experience we create, and then perhaps, we will begin to change the world.   

Radiate boundless love towards the entire world - above, below, and across - unhindered, without ill will, throughout enmity - The Buddha

Kent WA, 2020