Plain and simple, I love baseball. It’s not just the smell of Dodger Dogs, popcorn, or the sounds of the crowd. No, it’s more than that, baseball is embedded in my heart and soul. This month in honor of Father’s Day, we are going to explore America’s past time and the daddies who inspired us to love this magnificent game as much as they did.
One of my early memories with my dad was watching a baseball game on our little black and white TV when we lived in Pasadena. Dad was not necessarily a huge sports fan but, he did enjoy the game of baseball and more specifically the great Los Angeles Dodgers. I was just a little kid, five or six years old, but that memory of sitting with my dad is one of my happy memories. It was a bonding time every girl has with a loving father. As I got older and, in my teens, baseball became my focus and my passion. I'd listen to the great Vin Scully announce the games, on my transistor radio, tucked under my pillow at night. Dad would watch it with me when they were televised, but I was always the more enthusiastic one of the two of us. Many good times were spent in Dodger Stadium, watching the boys in blue play against those loathsome Giants or the subpar Mets. When I was working, vendors would give me tickets to a game or two every season. I usually took my dad to at least one game a year and we'd enjoy a Sunday afternoon sitting in great seats and enjoying each other's company. Those were the days my friends and over the years, my love for the game continued.
When I met John, one of the items on my list for a potential husband, yes, I had a list, was he must like baseball. Something I've learned since then is to be extremely specific with what you want to manifest. I neglected to state I wanted to find a husband who loved the Dodgers. I, however, fell in love with a New York Yankee fan. How did this happen, I'm sure my dad asked? No one who was a true Dodger fan would entertain the thought of marrying, little alone birthing the child of a Yankee fan! That was blasphemy! Well, I did and since then, 27 years later, the New York Yankees have been part of my life.
So, how did a diehard Dodger fan live with a diehard Yankee fan, some may ask? One just goes with the flow, does not rock the boat, and frankly watches them and enjoys. Over the last 28 years, I have watched more Yankee games than I care to admit. Frankly, I came to appreciate the Bronx Bombers for what they are, a great baseball team, a storied club, and a legend. The Yankees have won more games in the World Series than any other team. In 2008, we went to New York, to see a game in old Yankee Stadium. I hate to admit it but it was magical. Sadly, the line was too long to visit monument park, but we had good seats (John would have had it no other way) and the Yankees went on to beat the Twins that fateful night! We met my favorite Yankee, Mariano Rivera the day before, at his restaurant in New Rochelle. We were so impressed at how gracious and nice he was. He made it a point to greet every person in his restaurant and chat for a minute or two. By the way, Mariano is the skinniest man I ever had the pleasure to put my arm around. Yes folks, I have become a Yankee fan.
When the Yankees would come to Seattle every year to play the Mariners, we would attend at least one game, the three of us together. John and our one and only would watch one or two more in person, and experience that father-daughter bonding, that I experienced many years before. To this day, 8 1/2 years later, our one and only is still a diehard Yankee fan and I know her daddy is proud of her. This year she's going to see them in both Tampa and Minneapolis. Her dad will be with her in spirit, sitting on her shoulder and cheering on their team. This father - daughter baseball bonding continues, throughout the span of time.
After John passed away, I went back to nightly viewings of my beloved Dodgers, but I felt that missing link. So now I have it timed where I can start the Yankees around 5:30 and catch up with the Dodgers at 8:05. I have the best of both worlds and pay the price to watch my teams on MLB TV, whenever I want to catch a game. My life from April through October is baseball heaven. Watching baseball is so much better than politics, and so much more comfortable than worrying about the state of the world. The only angst I feel is if my team loses by doing something dumb. It happens and yes, my emotions show and it's not always in a ladylike fashion.
So Dad, one can be a fan of both teams. Yes, the Yankees are still the "enemy" of our beloved Dodgers but, the fun is there and hey, I don't have to pick sides! I just go with the flow! The magic of baseball still reigns in my home and thankfully my heart easily loves both teams equally. Happy Father's Day, Daddy and let's hope for a Dodger-Yankee World Series this year and may the best team win!