Monday, August 8, 2022

Authentically August

This month we are embarking on a twenty-six-month alphabetic topic study to explore our new normal as we begin again.  Beginning Again is not just my story anymore but the story for so many of us "aging" baby boomers who are trying to navigate the waters as we move into our senior state of being.  The last twenty-four months of spilling my guts in this blog have taught me much about myself, my thought process, and my life as I once knew it.  When I embarked on this journey two years ago, I had no idea where it would lead me, the uncertain road I have traveled and the new state of wonder where I currently reside.  Therefore, I have decided that it is time to become more outspoken about what I have learned, what I have become, and a bit more of my journey toward that unspoken road to the next life.

This month, as it is the first month on this path, the month of August, and the letter A is the first letter in the alphabet, we will explore being authentic.  Two years ago, I wrote a blog titled Becoming Our Authentic Self.  Two years ago, I was just a novice in this new awakening.  Now that I have traveled a path that has led me to new endeavors, new friendships, home city, and an entirely new spiritual path, I feel like I can better discuss authenticity.  I was out of my "comfort zone," my old thought patterns had me holding back what I genuinely believed.  I had to change my thinking and now I have the confidence to speak in a bolder more honest way than I was able to before.  So, let's take that leap of faith and begin again with the word Authentic!

Being authentic is not just being true to yourself but to all of those who we know and love.  Being authentic means being who you are, in body, mind and attitude.  Watering yourself down for others to like or accept us is no longer acceptable.  Nine years ago, I was living the life I thought I was supposed to live.  I had done everything society deemed I was meant to do; get married, have a kid, a dog (or dogs), own a house, yada, yada, yada.  Nine years later, now that all the dust has settled, I have learned that all of "that" was okay, and I'm not ready to become a dried-up old crone.  In the olden days, or in Biblical times, a widow became just that and stopped living.  I refuse to dry up and go into hiding.  I have the need to look and feel young.  I am young at heart and some of the young ones at the gym ask how old I am!  

So how do we live in a young state of mind while being authentic?  We must first stop comparing ourselves to others.  We are all different and have different learned attitudes and lifestyles.  Try new endeavors, new adventures, and new ways of thinking.  I love to travel and have no trouble going on my trips alone.  I've joined some provocative zoom courses over the last few years and have met some interesting, exciting people.  My entire state of mind changed, and my way of thinking changed 180 degrees.  So, get out of your comfort zone and learn something new!

Being authentic also means to stand in our truth.  We need to be able to speak our mind and not be afraid.  Frankly, I've been called a lot of names over time, but I spoke the truth and I am not ashamed.  The world is going to hell in a hand cart folks and it's time those with common sense stand up for what's right and speak out.  I'm not saying we need to demand repentance and convert.  I'm saying we need to stand up for our country, our rights as citizens of the United States and the world.  We need to state the truth and be bold as we march forth. Currently, we're leaving our children and grandchildren a mountain of debt, violent cities, and unparalleled confusion.  I've stated this often over our 48 months together, but I'm glad my parents and grandparents didn't live to see what's happened to our country.  Those who fought and died for the United States would be appalled.  This is tragic folks; we should be ashamed for being asleep at the wheel and letting this monstrosity of socialism happen to the greatest country in history.  The road to socialism leads to communism and we're moving full speed ahead.   Sad fact but truth, nonetheless.

Therefore, to end on a final bold note, go forth and conquer your fears!  Get out and be who you were meant to be.  God did not make us to be any other way!  Set your intentions daily, create a gratitude journal, and manifest what you truly desire.  You will find these steps will give you the courage to become who you are truly meant to be.  We are all whole, perfect, and complete in the eyes of God.  Spirit sees us as authentic, as we are all made in the image of the divine.   Who could be more authentic than that!