Friday, September 1, 2023

Lessons Learned with Love

Once again, September is my birthday month, sixty-eight years around the sun.  This is my fourth birthday blog, as I've been expressing my thoughts for the world to read for four years.  I haven't sat down to write for a while as I've been busy with my new endeavors.  I have been thinking, pondering is more the word, as I tend to sit and think a lot about my life.  I also ponder current events and world affairs, but I need to stop that as my anxiety tends to build. I digress back to my original thought however, and that is I think about life lessons and those lessons I should have learned by now.   What can I say, I'm a slow learner and sometimes I need these lessons pounded into my soul to wake up and smell the coffee.  Therefore, this month, we're going to journey into the lessons we all were taught and sometimes forget. 

One of my biggest lessons learned was forgiveness.  I've delved into this subject more than once, but the lesson of forgiveness keeps coming back to remind me I need to have forgiveness in my heart.  We all need to learn how to forgive, forget and move on.  Releasing those hurt feelings and letting them go, is both freeing and lightens one's load.  Lesson learned, release and let go and give yourself to love.  

Don't sweat the small stuff is another lesson I tend to forget.  The small stuff of life is just what it is, small and inconsequential.  I tend to ruminate on insignificant details and wow, it sure does weigh me down.  The lesson learned is forget about the minutia and let go and let God.  Giving yourself to the love of the Divine make's life much easier and more peaceful!

Trust or not to trust is another life lesson we all need to learn at some point.  I am a very trusting person, bordering on naive sometimes.  I truly try to look into the heart and soul of all I meet and judge them for the content of their character.  I've been burned more times than I can count but, I look back on these situations as life lessons.  People are for the most part good, but as with any situation, there are a few "bad apples" that can spoil the barrel.  Don't let these apples dissuade you from those kind souls with pure intention. Lesson learned, don't judge a book by its cover.

You can't fix stupid. There is so much stupid to go around, one middle aged woman in Idaho cannot fix it all.   I recognize stupidity all the time while I'm pondering current affairs.  My gosh, where does this nonsense stop, and common sense take back over?  How the hell did we get to this place in our society?  The fall of the Roman Empire was much like what is happening in America in 2023!!  The lesson I've realized is that we need to speak out, stand in our truth and hope like hell God fixes the stupid soon.  Stupidity is destroying us, our society, country, and the world, quite frankly.  Pray, pray, pray, and pray some more and eventually the world will wake up and understand. Lesson learned once again, let go and let God and the love of the Divine will heal the world.

Birthdays are only a number, nothing more, but sixty-eight feels huge!  Holy crap, seventy is remarkably close and I'm not ready!  But then again, it's only a number and I am determined to live out the rest of my years with grace, a sense of humor and the stamina of a that once upon a time, forty-year-old!  I am currently living my dream existence.  The love shared with a wonderful person has helped me a lot but it's more than that, its attitude, lifestyle and frankly enjoying what I have accomplished.  My personal relationship with God is my redeeming quality. Hallelujah, I've finally arrived at the space in life where I've always wanted to be.  Waiting and working for this attitude for sixty-eight years was a journey but wait for it, IT WAS WORTH EVERY DROP OF BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS!

Therefore, my friends, happy birthday to me.  And happy birthday to all of those who are marching into our "mature" years!  Age is not a number but an attitude.  Sixty-eight is the new forty-eight and I wish for you to be in the space in your life as I am in mine.   Therefore, give yourself to the love from God and the world will open for you! 

Love is born in fire, its planted like a seed
Love can't give you everything, but it gives you what you need.
And Love comes when you're ready, Love comes when you're afraid.
It'll be your greatest teacher, the best friend you have made.
~Give Yourself to Love by Kate Wolf

 The Blue Moon August 2023





