I haven't written a blog in a long time, and it's not because I've had nothing to say. On the contrary, I've had plenty to say but have been suppressing my thoughts and feelings. Life has been busy, traveling a bit and I've been planning our big trip in September. However, that's not why I held off writing a blog. I've held off because I've had so much angst and dismay over the last few months about the state of our country and world that I've been rendered speechless. Now is the time my friends, for me to voice what so many of us have been thinking and feeling. I can not keep silent any longer as I'm scared and I mean really, really scared as to what's at stake for us as a society if we continue down this path to a communist hell hole. So here I go, unfriend, block or simply disappear from my life if we are at odds to what's happening in the world. You will not like or appreciate what I have to say and neither of us will miss each other if you disagree with me. Many people do agree and I count them as my "people."
The propaganda against what is right, true and normal is out of control. What I see snippets of, when I'm watching my alternative blog casts would make Josef Goebbels blush. The left is trying to normalize blatant communistic thoughts, ideas and their lack of values. The left is spewing hatred by lying about what the other side has expressed. The left is the enemy of the "people" and I'm frightened as there are just plain idiots who believe this crap.
This morning I was watching a British YouTube program. I watch a lot of British TV as it's good to see and hear what the rest of the world is thinking about America. They're astounded as to how far America has fallen into the abyss of socialism. Britain is already there and so many in the UK see what's happened. They have so many of the same issues we have here, but are further along with the destruction. The open boarders dilemma has plagued the UK for several years. They've banned guns so now the new weapon of choice is knives. It's hard to ban knives as we need them to cut our meat, oh wait, we're now supposed to like and want to eat bugs, according the Bill Gates. We won't need knives to carve into our cockroach steak
The elimination of our second amendment concerns me folks, as an armed society is a safe society. So many of these awful school shootings, mall rampages and neighborhood gang violence, could have been stopped with an armed citizenry taking care of business at the beginning of a murderous rampage. I'm to the point it's time to buy a gun and get a conceal to carry permit. Idaho is safe for the most part but some crazy with murder in "it's" heart could come after us at any point. I want to defend myself and my home.
The open boarders crisis is finally starting to affect Idahoans. In my travels around town, I see many dubious characters roaming the major streets. I'm all for people coming to America to get a start on life, but it must be a legal path to be here. Those sneaking in with nothing but government issued phones and backpacks are not here to live la dolce Vida. The boarder czar who is attempting a presidential run, has done nothing to secure our southern boarder and protect law abiding Americans. Oh yeah, the talking heads are spewing she was never named the boarder czar. There is documented proof in print and there's also video of our pathetic president naming her as such. He probably has forgotten this fact by now, as how can one remember anything if he's all doped up on God knows what by his elder abusing spouse.
The subject of the dictator of the USA leads me to another thought. This idiot has never been the actual POTUS. This fool and his VP have been the puppets of some Deep State group who are trying to destroy America. Sorry folks but this is fact. Barry, Big Mike, and the Clinton crime family have all been behind this disgusting overthrow. It's fact, not fiction, that our porous boarders have allowed in characters that have no business being anywhere but in their own country's jail system. I read the other day that Venezuela has emptied their violent gangs on to our American soil. WTF!
Venezuela is another topic I'm following with great interest. They had an election on Sunday and the dictator Nicolas Maduro was voted out of office. Instead of conceding to the new president, he refused to step down and the people have risen up! Statues of the former president have been torn down, military commanders have told their troops to step aside and let the people take care of business. If this has happened there, it will happen here again as it did in 2020. The left in this country will pull out all their "weapons" to stop President Trump from being reelected. Hell, the deep state tried to assassinate him a couple of weeks ago! It's only by the grace of God he survived. Google is trying to suppress the assassination topic but it's true, I watched it live. Say what you want about Trump, but life was much better, safer and more prosperous when the Orange Man was president. They know it and right thinking Americans know it. He is the only link standing between good and evil, freedom and tyranny. My feeling is if you don't like Trump, vote for Kennedy. Kennedy is a good man and has been right about so many important issues, the jab being one of them. He's seen the light, woke up and has a huge grass roots following. Either way, a vote for the Boarder Czar is a vote to destroy our great country.
The Boarder Czar did not break a glass ceiling, she got there on her knees, giving out favors to powerful men. The Czar has done nothing to enhance the lives of black people in this country. Sorry folks but this crazy loon can't talk anything but word salad, stupid phrases and giggle like a four year old school girl or a laughing hyena. She's done nothing of value while in her tenure of office, and was one of the most radical senators in the senate. By some accounts she's not eligible to be president anyway. Read and study the Federalist Papers and it's written in there, in black and white. I have zero respect for anyone who supports this whore and her ideas. Sorry, not sorry, I had to say this. If you're still reading this blog and are offended, stop reading and drop me. Like I said above, we will not miss each other and will probably be happier no longer being friends.
Last but not least my friends, America is up shit's creek if we don't wake up now. America is on her last legs, going along the path of the Roman Empire under Caligula. I'm not super religious nor am I a right wing nut case. I'm a right thinking, American who wants to live in freedom and prosperity. I've said what I needed to say and I'm not ashamed of my words. Someone else needs to stand up for America and someone else needs to support our basic ideas, values and lifestyle. I can not sit idly by and watch the greatest country on the face of the earth be destroyed from within. 85% of Americans agree with me. The other 15% are lunatics and want our children mutilated, our cities in shambles and our way of life destroyed so that we will become the Venezuela of last week. If America goes by way of Venezuela, good and decent American's will rise up do the same. We will have a revolution of sorts and I will be supporting the effort. May God bless America, and may God bless the good and decent people of the world who stand up for what is right.