WHY do bad things happen to good people?
I ask the most difficult question first as we all ask that one from time to time. My answer is there is no good answer. I just trust God that his ways are not always our way and the ultimate outcome is our best answer. God will use us as his tool as we work through these difficult circumstances. We must have faith and trust in our God.
WHY is there so much unrest in the world today?
A dark force is blanketing our world, this I feel strongly about. This dark force is causing civil disobedience, strife, damage to personal and public property, murder and anything else one can think of that is obviously wrong. I believe that by eliminating God from our society is why. When we as a collective, decide that God has no place in public discussion, then this opens the celestial door for evil to creep in like a sticky fog, enveloping our lives. We need to accept this and allow God back in or we as a society are doomed.
WHY should we believe what the Bible says is fact?
Why not? The time tested truths in the Bible are the fabric that has held society together for thousands of years. Some may say these truths are antiquated or false. Societies have based their laws and structure on Biblical truths. When a society stays the course of Biblical truth, it survives. That's a simple fact. My pastor friends may have something to add...
WHY do we sometimes fall in love with the wrong people?
Well, who knows really. I as a general habit, have fallen in love with the right people. I keep reading articles and watching on Dateline, that humans can sometimes make bad choices. Maybe when we think too strongly with our hearts, not too much with our heads, is when we make a bad choice. Lesson be learned, watch for the warning signs, look for very little baggage (we all have some) and avoid drama at all costs. Someone who is always pulling our strings, tripping us up to fall or is simply not our intellectual equal is going to be someone that is most likely wrong for us. Women and men both look for a pretty face but frankly, it's not all about looks but what's in the heart. A pure heart leads to a beautiful soul. We should all be looking for beautiful souls. Beautiful souls will carry us through the tests of time.
WHO is God?
The question of who is God, Spirit, the Universe has been around for millions of years but who is God really? God is the creator of all life, all the Universe, all of mankind. God is our one source for all good. I rely on God for everything. I meditate every morning, pray and ask God continually to heal me and to use me for his good. I pray to God for my friends and my family, acquaintances on Facebook and for world peace. God always answers my prayer. He may not answer them in the way I want but my prayers are always answered. Proverbs 3:5 “Have confidence in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding”
WHO Wrote the book of Hebrews?
This is a question that has been asked for the last two thousand years. Hebrews has the first verses I ever read in the Bible, the statement of faith to be exact. The first book I read in entirety was the gospel of John and from there I’ve read all the New Testament. Some speculate Paul wrote Hebrews but I’d like to suggest it was either Peter or John. The wording doesn’t match Paul but it does match Peter or John or even Timothy. It actually really doesn’t matter, Hebrews in my humble opinion, is one of the most profound books in the Bible. If one wants a good explanation of faith, turn to Hebrews 11:1 “Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not apparent.” Most succinct statement ever read in my life.
Who are “They”?
Just who are they anyway? Reading news articles, Facebook pages or even listening to TV, some ultra "smart" person is referred to as "they." Most of the time, in my opinion, They know nothing! Take Covid-19 for instance, "They" created a pandemic and shut down the world. I don't want to minimize the deaths and destruction this disease caused but with cautious care and common sense, many would not have died, business's not lost or possibly many teenage suicides would have been averted. "They" have created riots, destruction and pure hate? Who are "They" that can create such havoc? Tell me, I want to know so we can as a collective, start answering back!
Who Were The Beatles?
This question is asked in jest sort of, but those under 40 reading this may not know of the Beatles. In my humble opinion, The Beatles were the greatest rock group in history! John, Paul, George and Ringo are still iconic figures, representing a time that was and to never be seen again. My favorite as a kid was Ringo. All the girls loved Paul but I liked Ringo, as there was no competition. As an adult, George is my favorite Beatle He had a sweet, gentle soul, musically he was above par and he could sing a sweet song. The Beatles wrote some of the most famous songs in the history of music, Yesterday, I Want To Hold Your Hand, Something (a George Song) and my favorite song of all I Will (a little known love song on the White Album) all represent a generation of music that warms the heart, heals the soul and brings a smile on the face of all of us Baby Boomers who get nostalgic just thinking about summers at the beach, school dances or listening the the radio while studying for a test.
So dear reader, I hope you enjoyed this rather provocative blog. Some serious questions, some light to add a balance. I can’t wait to read your comments. God bless.
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