Friday, August 21, 2020

The Art of Forgivness

 During these precarious times, forgiveness seems to be a lost art.  If one turns on the TV, social media or the radio, angst and pure hate surround us.  I don't see much in the way of love, kindness or yes, forgiveness.  Forgiveness is actually an art, it needs to be given with a pure heart, pure emotion and pure intention.  This week, let's explore forgiveness as it's ringing very personally with me. I touched on forgiveness in my blog, " 2020 The Year That Was."  This one paragraph needs to be expanded on, researched and discussed and taken to heart.   

Jesus says,  “ Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”  If we can truly forgive with pure hearts, our society will heal.  Following are a few ways and situations where forgivenss is needed.

1/  We as humans are flawed creatures.  We are ALL sinners, we ALL make mistakes and we ALL need forgiveness.  The first and most import way to forgiveness is to humble ourselves to God.  Not one person other than Jesus, has been without sin.  Once one understands that concept and begins to realize their mistakes, drop to your knees in prayer and humble yourself before God.  He will forgive you.  I do this on a daily basis as I am a flawed human.

2/  Forgive yourself, this is a huge concept as we can ask God to forgive us but we must be willing to forgive ourselves.  As for me, I have forgiven myself for my past transgressions, hurts I've caused others and for situations I've found myself in.  Knowing I'm not a perfect being and understanding myself, is the first step to self forgiveness.

3/  Forgive our forefathers for their mistakes.  I believe that much of the turmoil in the world today is due to the sins of our "fathers."  It's time that we as a society begin to heal, understand that those on earth today are not to blame for the mistakes of yesterday.  We need to forgive and move forward as a collective.  Blaming each other for the sins of the past is both unnecessary and unhealthy.  Move on, forgive, forget and make the world a better place.  This is our mission as citizens of planet earth!

4/  Forgive those who have hurt you.  This is very personal to me as I have several people I need to forgive.  One in particular, who I hope is reading this blog, I want you to know I forgive you.  Because this is the only venue I can "speak" these words, I want you to know you are truly forgiven.  I forgive you for hurting me, breaking my heart and for some other transgressions too personal to publically mention.  I forgive you with love and compassion.  My soul is now lighter, my heart ache is lessened and now I can move forward.

It's time now to move forward as a society.  Do so with an open, loving heart.  Do so knowing that you will be hurt again, will hurt others but knowing forgiveness is at the tip of our fingers and only a request away.  Do so with love, just as Jesus commanded.  

On Thursday, March 13, 1980, The Daily Word published these words about forgiveness:

"Today is a day of forgiveness.

Make today a day of forgiveness.  Forgive yourself: forgive others.

For peace of mind today -

For peace of body today -

For happiness of heart today - 


Forgive what happened an hour ago, a day ago, years ago.

Remembered slights - forgive them;

Remembered hurts - forgive them;

Remembered wrongs - forgive them;

Remembered thoughtless acts - forgive them;

Remembered cruel words - forgive them;

Remembered unhappy happenings - forgive them;

Through Christ in you, you have power to accept forgiveness for yourself, to extend forgiveness to others.  The forgiving love of Jesus Christ penetrates to the depths of your being.  You are forgiven.  You are able to forgive."

You will forget your misery - Job 11:16


  1. There is one person that I can never forgive. If I go to hell for that, then so be it. Good blog though

    1. Try to forgive, your load will be lightened.

    2. Forgiving those who cause us hurt makes our lives better. Without forgiveness to others our own souls can't heal. Another great post.
