Friday, July 8, 2022

Freedom Is Not Free

Two trips around the sun have gone by since I took the giant leap and moved to Idaho.  I have discussed more than once that my perspective on life has changed greatly as I've laid bare my heart and soul over these last two years.  Taking the opportunity to express my thoughts, "wisdom" (or not so wise in readers eyes), and ideas has been a challenge.  With the way the world is today, I'm a bit reluctant to say too much as I'm afraid I'll offend someone.  The backlash can be frightening, and I've been called a few names I won't repeat. Therefore, now that my third Idaho summer has commenced, I have again had time to ponder and reflect on life as I now know it.  Therefore, the ideas I will express below are examples of the stage of life I have found myself at now and moving forward I hope to grow even further.  I am one who tries not to judge, although I'm not perfect in that regard.  I just ask that those who judge me by my comments below, not be too harsh.  We're all different, have differing opinions and frankly isn't this what life is all about?  

  • Life is whatever you make of it.  Yes, we all get delt a bad hand of cards, experience boredom or depression but it's up to us to fix these things and make them better.  No one, nothing can do this other than you.  Trust me when I say this as I've had not always had a rosy time of it.  I changed the way I thought and opened my mind to innovative ideas and challenges.  As Ernst Holms says, "change your thinking, change your life." I am not bored, unhappy or depressed, I'm too busy for those feelings.  Get out and go, experience life and don't dwell on the past, it's finished.  People will not come to you; you must go outside of your property line to meet interesting and exciting people and experiences.  Loneliness and boredom are emotions that are unnecessary, if one has a busy and fulfilled life.  There are many opportunities to be involved with if one pulls their head out and opens their eyes.  Volunteer at an elder care facility, animal shelter or church of your choice.  Go to the gym, learn a sport, or look for classes that hold your interest.  These days, one doesn't have to show up to a live in-person class but dial in on a zoom link, in your pajamas and enjoy.  The power lies in us, not others.
  • Not everyone is going to like us, and this works both ways.  I've stopped trying to please others and now work to please myself.  This is not a selfish act if done with the right intention.  We must love and care for others but, if those others are not jelling with us, it's time to walk away.  God gave us all kinds of people, therefore, chose your friends wisely and enjoy the camaraderie and mutual satisfaction a great friendship brings to both parties.  We're not going always be someone else's cup of tea, but when we understand this concept, it's easier to move forward instead of trying hard to make someone like us and, vice versa.
  • Keep an open mind to every opportunity.  Sometimes we can miss the greatest blessings if our minds are closed.  If I had had a closed mind, I would never have married my husband, dated the late great Mr. Wonderful or taken the giant leap out of my comfort zone and moved.  All three were blessings in their own way and I'm grateful for the experiences.  Count your blessings, fill your heart with gratitude and thank God every day for the opportunity of another day.
  • Freedom to believe and choose is what makes us uniquely Americans.  Now, we don't have to agree and frankly I don't agree with much of what's happening today in the world.  I see a destruction setting upon our way of life; however, I've learned to wait, watch, and speak my truth as I might have a part in saving our country.  One does not have to agree but be respectful in your disbelief.  We can kill more flies with honey than with vinegar.  We do, however, need to stand in our truth and for our values, homes, family and country.  
  • The United States of America is a great country.  Yes, we have had our share of problems and have made mistakes.  From my viewpoint, we've fixed many of those issues and moved forward.  In some areas, we're still a work in progress but, we've come a long way baby from what we were to what we are today! America was the greatest experiment ever created, don't destroy it because when it's gone, it's not coming back.  Socialism and communism do not work. Every time they're "tried" they fail.  Use Venezuela as a good example.  If that country looks successful, then go there, live and enjoy it.  Trust me, you're not going to like it and by the way, don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave here.  
  • Finally, freedom is not free.  We are on the precipice of losing everything we have if we don't wake up and get with it!  So many of our ancestors fought and died for our freedom and liberty.  Please, do not let them slip away because of bad leadership or blind ignorance.  Get out and vote, in mass, and take the opportunity to help save our country.  It's up to us, as no one will do it for us.  With this said, happy Independence month, and embrace the freedom and liberty we Americans and citizens of the world enjoy.  
  • May God Bless America!


  1. Thank you for your post. Your thoughts were well thought-through and applied as gently as one can while standing in your truth. Thank you for your courage. And yes, Happy Happy Independence Month. These words are coming from one of who served her country as a United States Marine. Please people, don’t sit by and allow all of our past efforts and bloodshed to be for naught.

  2. Well Put and Thank You for the reading.

  3. I agree with everything you’ve said! Thank you for your words.
