Saturday, November 5, 2022

Dare To Dream

I'll admit, this month I've had writer's block. As November is our "D" month, to be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure where to begin.  We all have dreams, plans, goals and ideas therefore, I decided on the title, Dare to Dream.  From our dreams, what is it we want to manifest? What is it we really want or need?  Manifesting is a way to create those dreams into real life.  Before I begin however there is a caveat to this blog that I need to mention up front; I am not a manifesting expert.  I am relating what I have learned over the years through my spiritual studies and the journey I've walked in this thing we call life.  With this said, I have a beloved friend who is the master manifester!  If anyone after reading this blog is interested, contact me and I'll put you in touch with one of his manifestation courses. You'll truly be amazed at what you will create after going through his study.

Beginning Again has always been my story and experience, no one else’s since I can only speak for myself in this blog, we can only dissect my dreams.  Dreaming of new adventures, new friendships and ideas are all included in my current manifestations. I've been so blessed in my life, it's hard to believe I'm still on the "dream journey," and wanting to continue to add to my joy.  Thank goodness for my dreams, as there is so much to live for and believe in. Love, happiness and peace surround us all, but we must believe in our dreams to make them real. Part of manifesting our dreams is to identify what it is we really want.  It's not easy to be honest, as sometimes something that looks or feels wonderful can actuality be toxic and in the long run, not for us.  It’s important to understand and identify what we want, what it is we truly believe before we begin to manifest it into our experience.

So, what is it you really want?  For most of us it's frankly all the above and then some.  I'm still young, I'm still enjoying life and I'm still trying to make it all happen.  Traveling is my big dream, I still want to go to Peru, but one more trip to Scotland seems more reasonable.  I also want to see the United States, as I have never traveled as much around this great country, as I would have liked.  Seeing Niagara Falls, the great Smokey Mountains or NASA in Houston are my current dreams.  I'd like to visit where my grandmother was born, up in the Ozark region of Arkansas, and see the area in Carthage TN where my Lancaster's migrated from.  A trip to Yellowstone, Jackson Hole or Sun Valley, which are all close to home, are all dreams ready to happen.  Now that I've stated my dream trips in the USA, I now affirm they will happen.  The intention is there, I will follow those dreams.

What are some other dreams on my plate?  I have read and studied the current situation in this country and the world and couldn't be more dismayed at what I saw.  I have faith that people are waking up and will rise out of their comfort zone to make a change for the better.  This is a dream of mine as I don't want our children and future grandchildren to grow up in lack or oppression.  I am one who's been a student of history and history is repeating it's self again my friends.  Anyone with a scintilla of common sense should see this and wake up to the fact that there is something terribly wrong happening in this world.  The dream our founders had, way back 250 plus years ago, was liberty and freedom.  Our freedoms are disappearing as fast as lightning.  Twenty years ago, freedom of speech was never as much challenged as it is today.  Although we have all have differing opinions, chastising or bullying did not happen.  We had a mutual respect for each other's beliefs but now it's all gone to crap (I'm not innocent either just to be fair and I've torn apart a few who lean into socialism).   I've been bullied over my views and frankly at this point, I don't give a fat rat's ass what anyone has to say to me anymore.  My dream is to let go and and dream big.   My dream is the fix what's broken and make America great again.   My dream and the dream of many patriots just like me, will manifest itself into reality.  I have complete faith in the divine as how could God turn his back on the greatest experience ever dreamed up?

Dreaming big is the goal we should all embrace.  Manifesting what we dream is an art and one which I'm still learning.  My current manifestation for us all is to get back what we've lost as a nation, a civilization and frankly as a people of the creator.  Give thanks to God for our blessings, the ability to put them into action and dream.  Meanwhile, dream big, live large and give thanks to God from whom all our blessings flow.  

Happy Thanksgiving.

I think beautiful things are about to happen.  I trust that.  I feel it.  I believe it.  ~  Rhonda Bryne 


  1. Way to stand in your truth my friend. It’s time we all wake up. For those who are timid or afraid to stand; no worries…it will come knocking at your door. It’s coming…it’s here

  2. Say it as it is. I don’t think I dream anymore! I should start … I have been to all 50 states but I want to go again with a “mature” set of eyes!
