Friday, October 20, 2023

A Rare Moment in Time

The days we are currently living in my friends, are truly the days that try men's souls.  We are living in a rare moment, watching the world break in two.  No not literally but fugitively as the divide has become so massive between good and pure evil, it can no long hide.  I was going to write this blog with up-lifting tidbits and ideas about moments, but the current world situation has begged me to think otherwise.  This month, I feel the need to reach out and express myself with hopefully a frank and honest discussion.  

I've been done with worrying about if others like or agree with me as we are living in dangerous times and it's time to take a stand.  The future of the country, if not the world, is at stake.  Our children and grandchildren will live as a result of the decisions made today.  Frankly I'm scared.  I'm scared for our freedoms, liberties and the republic our forefathers created 247 years ago.  The United States of America is and was a melting pot for all of those who felt oppressed and persecuted in their birth lands.  People want to come to this country to enjoy the freedoms Americans shared.  No one ever wants to leave America once they arrive, as America is and was a great place to live.  The American dream is alive and well and those with a work ethic, and a desire to succeed, can advance to a state of life they would not enjoy elsewhere.

We legally and ethically elected our leaders with logic and common sense.  Until around 70 years ago, those leaders loved America, what we stood for and wanted to advance the American idea beyond the time of their election.  Those leaders valued our American ideals and promised to expand them.  The leaders of yesterday kept America safe, secure and out of foreign entanglements that did not involve the United States.  Both world wars had an impact on the United States, we were attacked in 1941, therefore we needed to engage.  Our "American Will" became apparent but not before we lost many brave men and women to foreign enemies.  Americans were proud of their sons and daughters;  Americans were proud of their country and the freedoms we stood for.

Today, however; it's different.  Although most Americans value their country, there's a growing faction that has invaded our American way of life and are destroying us from within.  Frankly I could care less how one identifies or who one loves and sleeps with.  Frankly I do not care what religion one practices or believes.  Americans are free to choose, Americans love and respect all people or so I thought.  Today, in 2023, ideals that go against any kind of common sense are being shoved down our throats and we're being forced to swallow the rotgut.  Today if we mistakenly identify someone or speak out against say another's way of thinking, we could find ourselves in a lawsuit or worse.  Today those who peacefully march, are deemed as terrorists.  The true terrorist's riot, plunder and destroy and are left alone.  Our good and decent leaders are blackmailed into submission and are, in my humble opinion, left with no option but to go along with an idea no one would have thought about 40 years ago.  I truly believe blackmail and extortion is being used against once decent people, to force stupidity through the system.  Twenty years ago, no one in their right minds would have supported the mutilation of children or teaching our innocents that of which was once deemed pornography.

As I type, I feel afraid as I am using my free speech against the modern day left or shall I say communists, who have infiltrated our way of life.  I am using this platform to speak my truth as if we all rise up and say no, hell no, this garbage will stop.  I Will Not Comply is my new motto.  Yes, I took the first two jabs, as I wanted to travel and was being bullied by so called friends (who I avoid now at all costs) and social media that I paid too much attention to.  I will not comply to wearing a mask and when I travel now, I take Ivermectin and it works just fine.  Big Pharma has been found out and Dr. Fauci can go to hell.

I will not comply with the social pressure of accepting what is not truth.  Men are men and women are women, no matter how hard the left tries to tell us the opposite.  We cannot change our DNA or our chromosomes.   It's biologically impossible, no matter how much surgery one has had in order to carve up their bodies and mutilate themselves.  That's their right, however, to do with their bodies what they choose but biology cannot and will not change.  And for God's sake, leave our children and grandchildren alone.   Let them be young innocents as long as possible.  Let our children be who they are.  Trying to make a small child identify as anything other than what they were born as is wrong and it's CHILD ABUSE!

And finally, those so call progressives in DC and in our state houses need to be voted out and expelled.  Good republicans and democrats need to be voted in.  We need to get rid of the stench in our government and fill it with good and decent people who want America to succeed and continue.  I'm done with the so-called "Squad" and the bullshit they continue to spew.  I'm done with the left-wing loons who want America to change into a Venezuelan type of country.  Trust me, they're not going to like it when they get it.  Communism sounds good to some until must live in it then they squeal like stuck pigs.  

Therefore, I'm done with my rant.  I love this country and pray for our survival.  If America falls, the world falls with it, and right now we're the laughingstock to the rest of the globe and this needs to change.  Rise up dear friends and fix this great country, it's worth saving.  May God bless America! 


  1. Way to speak out, Friend!!!!!

  2. Awesome job Terry! Well said!!

  3. Here Here.... Great

  4. Love it! As always, spot on! I too refuse to comply or acknowledge their evil, twisted “science” and insanity!
