Monday, August 12, 2024

The New Meaning of Weird

Way back in 2021, I wrote a blog entitled Fellow Weirdos Unite!  I was poking fun at myself and others who all self identify as weird.   I know I'm a bit out with certain beliefs, and let's face it, society looks at me and my "creepy weirdo friends" as weird.  Those of us who are disclosure enthusiasts, UFO watchers and conspiracy theorists are all looked upon as "different."  The conspiracies I've bought into over the last 60 years have all been truth and more and more is starting to come out as to just how corrupt our world actually is.  The people I've met at these conferences are decent hard working individuals and are filled with God's light and love.  We all want the same thing, peace, security, freedom, and liberty.  We want our our children and grandchildren to grow up in a world where we don't have to look over our shoulders constantly in case some criminal is following us.    

Today, the word Weird has taken on a new meaning, a new tone and has become a new idea.  The immature, vapid and frankly nonsensical interpretation of weird by the left is actually hilarious but very dangerous.  What these lunatics deem as weird in the olden days, was decent, loving and normal.  Protecting our homes and families from invaders, protecting our children from child abusers and the like, is not weird.  Faith, family and a normal life style is now weird.  This applies to both traditional and gay marriages.  We are all raising our families with the same concerns and challenges.  Protecting our children needs to be our number one priority.

A push to normalize pedophilia has found it's way out of the cracks of hell!  Imagine, we are now weird because we do not approve of some pervert wanting to molest our children.  Years ago, the Man-Boy Love Association was deemed as disgusting and immoral and illegal.  In some quarters now, it's okay and this goes against everything I hold dear to my heart.  The children being trafficked by this horrible regime of Biden's, are all subject to rape and murder.  These sweet souls simply disappear.  There are those in government, who wholly and completely agree with it!  Open boarders has lead to a host of opportunities only the most deviant and immoral among us approve of.  This has to stop, and it must stop now!

We are living in a new normal of sorts.  What was once up is now down, wrong now right, lazy is now productive, and I could go on and on. This bizarro world of sorts, where we now find ourselves, is dangerous, immoral and evil reigns. We are living in the End Times, the fall of a civilization, akin to the Roman Empire. I remember back in 1967, sitting in Mrs. Kleinman’s social studies class at Huntington. She was teaching us about the fall of the Roman Empire. At that time, 57 years ago, she likened what the United States was going through to the Roman Empire's destruction. This was during the time of the Vietnam war, protest marches, and civil rights riots.  I asked my dad about it later, and I remember he clearly said, the United States will never go by way of the Roman Empire. Well, here we are folks we are in a freefall, and the landing is going to be deadly.  Dad in later years used to say, when this all happens, I hope I'm dead.  Well Daddy, it's happening and I'm truly glad you're not here to witness it.

I heard recently about a new phenomena of kids and adults for that matter, who self identify as an animal. They called them Furries.  These Furries are allowed to dress however they identify, and litter boxes are set up in the school bathrooms, so the Furry can freely use them and not feel as though they’re discriminated against. Now folks, I am all for live and let live.  I whole heartly support those who are different and embracing their individuality.  But, how far does society want to take this?  How much do the rest of us have to endure?  My friend’s, this is the new normal, and we are now the weird ones. 

All adults go through puberty.  It was horrible for me as I was picked on, bullied and called every name in the book.  Thank God I was somewhat normal thinking as I never expressed a thought of being a boy.  Some little boys like playing girl games, just like some little girls like playing with the boys.  Not one kid I knew of, wanted a sex change at 8 years of age.  Now however, the schools are just itching to put a kid in a program to go through a gender transition.  Child mutilation is now the new normal.  If I was starting over with my one and only, we'd be homeschooling or in a private school of some sort as the public school system in America sucks!  They're indoctrination centers as are the colleges and universities.  I know of several young adults, who left good homes with center to right values, and are now left leaning, radical lunatics! They were indoctrinated by lefty professors who want America to become a socialist/communist utopia.  

With all this stated above, the word Weird is simply a term to now describe those of us trying to save our great nation.  I'm proud to be Weird as I'm a patriot and I'm a proud American.  My family goes back to Bacon's Rebellion in 1676.  We have patriots who fought in the Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWII and Korea.  My dad was a WWII and Korea veteran.  Cousin Tom Ontiveros was killed while piloting his plane after leaving Italian Airspace in WWII.  By the way, I wrote about Tom in my blog, "Our Family Hero" if anyone is up to reading about a true American hero. Again I state, thank God neither gentlemen are here to see the destruction of what they held so dear to their hearts.  I think about my grandparents, all of who worked hard, supported their families during the Depression and held close to their hearts, American values.  One set immigrated from England, both became citizens of America, both would be devastated with America and Britain today.   Thank God they missed the shit show.

My friends, as stated three years ago, Fellow Weirdos unite!  Pick up your sword and fight the good fight.  It's time to take a stand for good against evil, freedom and liberty against tyranny, and love against darkness.  I will continue to fight the good fight and will continue to voice my opinion.



  1. Another AMAZING article from you, Terry!!! You always hit the nail on the head!! I'll certainly pass this on to everyone I know....It's a must read for all who are NORMAL human being!!!

  2. Great post Terry!

  3. We have all put ion the whole armor of God. Now, it is time to draw our sword. Their coming.

  4. Furries' litter boxes in schools is an urban myth that's been around for two decades and was completely debunked. Please stop spreading incendiary false information, including the totally baseless QAnon accusations of Biden-administration pedophilia.

    1. You're wrong on all counts.

    2. She's not interested in the truth.

    3. Come to Wellington Colorado and go to the High School, Middle School and Both Elementary Schools. The kid across the street dresses as a cat every day and they put a Litter Box in her 3rd Grade Classroom. It is happening and your ignorance of accepting it is your issue. The author is absolutely correct and maybe stocking and attacking her because of your political beliefs is unfounded and not welcomed. Thank god in this country we have freedom of speech. For people like you that want to put your head and the sand and claim something is not happening is your issue. Keep it to yourself.

    4. Bull shit, it's alive and well. Keep your head buried in the sand and you're going to lose everything you have.

  5. I recently had a person/customer come into where I work demanding for me to notice him as a pronoun? Not sure if female or male? It was something really weird so I asked it to recognize me as Semi Truck. It claimed I had a name tag that said David. I explained that I had to wear it because it was a company policy as part of out working attire. I explained that if I had to recognize what it was the same applied for me. They argued about my Pronoun and I finally said I could say the same about you. That seemed to be confusing for this person and I said, " Now you know the way I feel."
