Monday, September 13, 2021

We Deserve The Very Best

As we travel on this journey of life, we encounter many twists and turns, good times and bad, happiness and sorrow.  As I ponder these hills and valleys, I always seek to figure out what is truly my life's purpose.  I've discussed my feelings over many blogs but I've finally come to the decision there are many women (and men) just like me, who have hit this time of middle age and have no clue as to what's next.  Recently, while I was writing in my morning journal, I had a true epiphany.  My purpose is to speak my truth to others with the same life questions, doubts and fears.  One avenue for me to do this is sharing my heart in this blog.  When the lightening bolt hit that morning, I came to realize this blog could be valuable not just for me but for others as well.  I keep track as to how many people read these every month and I actually count over fifty, some months even more.  This is huge for an unknown such as I, sitting in my house with my dog.  I am heartened to know I have resonated with at least 50 people, all who have joined me on this journey of life.

Therefore over the coming months, we are all together going to explore our new journey.  This blog will most likely resonate more with women than with men, women more my age than younger, but I hope those of all ages who know me will keep an open mind as I believe, I have something to offer everyone.  Men may find my words will give them insight into the thoughts and ideas of their wives and girlfriends.   I do not think I'm much different than other women and there are so many out there who have faced some of the same challenges that I have.  The more I talk to people, the more I realize I'm really very normal.   I very much want to hear from my readers with comments and other life questions to explore in the upcoming months.  But for the purpose of this writing, we're going to explore the title, We Deserve the Very Best.

So many of us have been taught to believe we are not deserving.  We’ve been programmed to believe we are not worthy of a great love, a great life, a great car or a great house.  What bullshit!  We all deserve the very best and have the absolute right to believe it into existing.  Manifesting for instance a new house, is normal.  Why would we want to settle for something that is not what we want, or is substandard to our purposes?  Frankly why would we settle if it's not the right for us?  When I moved to Boise last year, I moved with the clear intention of exactly what kind of house I wanted, the basic area where I wanted to live and of course my price range.  I made a well defined list and voila I now live in a new build, single story home with 3 bedrooms and a nice size yard to garden and for Bonnie to play. This house fits all my furniture (I was not ready to downsize), has a large garage for all my other stuff and in a great location.  I manifested this home, put it out to God to handle and a year later I am still comfortable and content living in Casa de Teresa.  I am deserving of my new house and give thanks with gratitude daily. 

Thirty years ago or more, I learned a way to manifest and this was to make a well defined list. When I finally decided it was time to get married, I made a detailed list of everything I was looking for in husband material.  I tweaked that list for several months and by "accident" John appeared in my life and for the next 20 years we experienced the twists and turns that life offered us.  There were a few areas where I was not specific enough.  For instance, I asked for a baseball fan but did not specify which team.  Turned out I married a die hard Yankee fan and here I was a die hard Dodger fan.  That difference created a lot of angst, especially during World Series time.  I learned to love the Yankees but the Dodgers never left my heart.  Another small item I forgot to add was I wanted a "Jack of All Trades" type guy.  Well not so much in that department either but hey, Handymen do need to earn a living...

Three years ago, I decided it was time to think about dating again as John had been gone five years.  I made my list again but sadly for my heart and soul, I forgot a few pertinent details that I have included in the newest list for my age appropriate boyfriend.  This sad experience just goes to show, the more exact and detailed one is, the better the results.  If it seems like an obvious "no biggie" or "that's just a given," I promise you that they are NOT.  Be specific as the Universe gives us what we asked for and those "no biggies" or "that's a given" are glaring and destructive if neglected on our list.  I'm just saying, as I lived it out sadly... Ugh...

So I divert back to my original intent for this blog.  We deserve the very best, the very best out there appropriate for us and the very very best of what life has to offer.  No one, not one of us, should ever settle for anything less.  If we do, we diminish our own self worth.  Recently when I was making the "boyfriend" list, a friend of mine said to me, you want only the Cream of The Crop.  I got to thinking, I've run the gamut from great to creepy, slovenly to clean and smelling good.  Nope I won't settle,  I want the Cream of The Crop dammit, I deserve it and I'm not settling.  I see so many women my age just settle because they think this is the end of the road.  Selling out to less than what we deserve is simply not acceptable with our new way of thinking.  Ladies, and men, stand in the truth for what you want and go forth and find what your heart desires.  Trust me, it's out there, don't settle!  You dear heart, deserve nothing less than the very best 

"The moment that you start to wonder if you deserve better, you do."  Unknown

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