Recently I started reading about Self Care or Self Love (we can call it both actually) and pondered the subject more during my daily meditation. Sadly, I believe that we women tend to put everyone else ahead of ourselves. Somewhere on life's journey we need to remember to start caring for Me, the person in who's skin we live, 24/7. The body and soul that we should be nurturing is us, me, myself and I. Now, please don't get your feathers ruffled and scream how selfish! It's selfish not to think of ourselves as we can not care for others, if we are not in a good space within our own being. Self care is necessary as we move along this path of life. Men and women both need time for ourselves, time to nurture ourselves and time to learn to live a fruitful and happy life.
First all, Radical Self Care is not simply taking a bath once a day and brushing our teeth. Self care has to do with our mental, physical and emotional well being. I write all the time about my passion for journaling. My mental well being is comforted by what I write in my pages. The most offered advise I give to those who ask is to journal every morning, put your thoughts on paper and don't be shy. The more one expresses one's self in the pages of our very private journal, the better we feel. The point is, with your pen in hand, pour out your heart. I read recently that by writing in long hand, on paper, tunes one into one's heart and the divine within. Writing on a lap top or iPad can cause distraction. So invest in a good pen, buy journals at the nearest Ross or TJ Maxx and write away! Trust me, what ever was bothering you when you sat down to write, will magically disappear. You dear one, have cleansed your heart by your own hand.
Radical Self Love also encompasses our physical well being. I strongly encourage each and every one of us to develop an exercise routine and stick to it. I work out three days a week at the gym and I'm back to walking Bonnie daily as the weather has cooled off. We walk over a mile a day and the fresh air alone on our daily walk is invigorating, soul cleansing and a good meditation as well. I also golf, bike ride (not as much as I'd like) and I'm going to learn how to play Pickleball when I have time. My intention is to go hiking again now that's it's cooled off here and the fall colors are beautiful. So people get outside, move your joints and breath in the crisp, cool fall air. It's good for your soul.
During the winter months, we can still practice our Radical Self Care inside and away from the snow and ice. True friends are so important in our daily self care routine. Having one or two really good friends to connect with on a regular basis, to share thoughts and ideas with, is so important. If it's snowing or raining, zoom a friend as it's still a break in the daily routine. I zoom a lot as some of my wonderful close friends live elsewhere and now that I'm used to it, it's fabulous! Since the Covid crap is finally going away, meeting for lunch or if the weather permits is a trail walk, is a way to get ourselves out of the daily rut of life and be out among the living. People need people but be careful as there are so many out there who do not have our best interest at heart. You'll know after one or two discussions if "that" person is someone you resonate with. I'm currently reading a book called Dodging Energy Vampires by Dr. Christiane Northrup. These energy vampires are out there and they walk among us. Learn to avoid them at all cost as they are toxic and will suck the very life and energy from you.
Radical Self Love also encompasses what we think. Norman Vincent Peal wrote a book called The Power of Positive Thinking. His basic premise is how we think is what we are. The book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne takes it further. How and what we think, we can manifest into what ever we want. These are extremely simplistic explanations of both books but basically; how we think is how we present ourselves to others. How we think is how we live our lives and how we think is who we bring into our lives. The Bible says; "For as he thinketh within himself, so is he." Love yourself by thinking positive thoughts and ideas. Once one puts out the positive, one will receive back from God, positive. It's simply a universal law.
Last but not least, our spiritual well being is not only important but necessary for our entire human experience. I'm not concerned about what my readers believe, I'm concerned about the nourishment of your souls. I probably just sent a few into a dead faint but honestly, what one person believes in may not work for the next. I've long ago left the proselytizing game and only try to spread love and light through my actions and deeds. This blog has been a game changer for me as I've resonated with so many. Living here in the United States, gives us all the freedom to worship and enjoy a spiritual experience in what ever way seems appropriate to our well being. The point is, finding a spiritual connection to believe in, study, and be at peace with, is the key to our innermost well being.
In conclusion, Radical Self Care or Radical Self Love is really an amazing concept once we get the hang of it. Taking care of our mind, body and soul is a privilege and one we should never let go of. This mind and this soul is the one we carry on into eternity. We only live this life once, so make it worthwhile while you're still here and make it worth the effort.
The following appeared in my email queue this morning... how appropriate!
The Tastiest Insights are often the simplest solutions by Matt Kahn:
I get it!