Friday, October 16, 2020

Creating a Joy Filled Life

This morning, Thursday, I woke up having no idea what the subject would be for this week's blog.  No one seems to be tired of my thoughts yet and I try hard to make them interesting each week.  My friend Kristina (not my daughter but the name is spelled correctly) suggested I could have Writers Block from time to time but to call on my inner voice and the words would flow.  So taking my friend's advise, I did just that.  I journal every morning, set my intentions for the day and check the Daily Word for it's daily affirmation.  The urge to check the affirmation was so strong this morning, I looked before I started to write and voila, there was my topic for this week, Joy!  How joyful I felt, how free I felt to write about joy, the joy in my life and the joy I've experienced during times of trial.  So, let us commence with the affirmation that inspired me this morning.

"Joy - Divine Joy is Mine."  The accompanying scripture is from Luke 1:47 - "And my spirit leaps for joy in God my Saviour."

So what is Joy my readers may ask, what is Terry's interpretation of Joy?  Joy is more than a 35 point Scrabble word,  an emotion we feel when we get an A on a test, or our steak is cooked to perfection.  Webster defines Joy as:  "The emotions evoked by well-being: Success,"  "Good fortune or the prospect of possessing what one deserves: Delight."  "The expression or exhibition of such emotion: Gaiety."  "State of happiness or felicity: Bliss."  "A source or cause of Delight." These are all very good descriptions of Joy but what is Joy, really?  What is that feeling that makes us feel successful, giddy, blissful or full of delight?

As I sit and ponder the word, I can close my eyes and remember the complete joy and happiness I felt when I looked into the eyes of my baby for the first time.  The absolute miracle of birth, the perfection in her sweet little face was probably the first time I ever experienced the feeling of profound joy.  The miracle of birth is really what it is, a true miracle.  It's different for mom's and dads I think.  We moms carry that baby for 9 months, nurture it and love it before we even know who he or she is.  Dads on the other hand, in my humble opinion, are walking in complete disbelief they could have assisted with it's creation.  I do not think they grasp who this baby is until they see it for the first time.  Daddy then feels the true emotion of pure love.  This is Joy my friends and I hope some Daddy's will comment as their take will be an interesting read.

Joy can be found in in our daily lives but we must be open to it, willing to welcome it into our existence and open our eyes and hearts to it's possibility.  So dear reader, what brings Joy to your life?  What brings you the ultimate peace we all search for?  I of course have a few ideas as this is my blog and my voice.  These may be different than how others view Joy but all the same, it is food for thought as we move forward in life.

 Search your soul - I meditate in the mornings after I journal.  Mornings work well for me as my mind is still open and not corrupted by social media or my morning drive guy (he's good by the way but the topics can be distracting and corrupting).  Keeping our minds open in the silence of the morning allows God to speak to our hearts and soul.  This is pure Joy, as the voice of the Divine is pure, sweet and oh so welcome especially in these times.

 Journal - There she goes again with this journaling thing.  I know, I know, I bring this subject up all the time but the Joy that will flow from your heart on to the pages of your journal will offer the ultimate peace of mind.  This blog flowed first onto the pages of my daily journal, my blog journal and now on to this venue.  This is pure Joy for me, pure peace of mind.

 Spiritual Reading - I know not all my readers are Christians or read the Bible.  This is fine by me actually as I never wanted to appeal to just one group.  My hope is that my voice will resonate with many people of all beliefs.  The gist of this section however, is to read something that rings true to your soul.  My Daily Word affirmations and accompanying verse are what ring true to me.  The Joy I find in the words from the Divine have helped me during times of sorrow, sadness and immense grief.  They are pure Joy as my heart has been healed so many times and for this I'm grateful and so Joyful. 

 Practice Gratitude -   Gratitude goes a long way.  If we can find something or someone to be grateful for, pure Joy will be found.  I can look back on my darkest moments and find Joy.  Through my tears, Joy has poured out. Heck, I'm sensitive and caring enough to recognize my Joyful heart.  A Joyful Heart can be hurt and will heal.  I know this is so, please trust me.  Over the last eight years, I've experienced some of the most gut wrenching sadness a person could ever experience.  But I'm alive, I survived and I lived to see the next morning.  I am grateful now even though during the times of sadness, I wasn't so sure.  The sun came out the next day, shone through the clouds and all is well with my soul.  This is joy.  I AM GRATEFUL!

 Open Your Eyes - Keep your eyes and heart open all day and do not let a opportunity for Joy go to waste.  See the beauty in all of creation and remember we are all the creation of the Divine.  Reflect back to those you encounter along your daily path and bless them.  One will never know the impact we make on others by simply blessing them.  There is always someone to bless, it's my daily ritual.

So today, moving forward with our lives, live a life filled with joy and happiness.  Live each day like it's your last and don't look back but look forward.  Peace and joy are waiting for each one of us, if you allow it to be so.  Open your heart and let Joy flow in.  I've done this, it works and I thank God.

On March 28, 1973, the Daily Word offered this affirmation: "I start this day with a feeling of joy, and it stays with me."  The accompanying verse was "For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace."  Isaiah 55:12.   May peace and Joy be with you.  Amen




  1. The joy of the Lord is our strength.
    I hope your readers will find joy in reading this. And if they have no joy; this can only be found in Jesus as your personal savior.

  2. Thanks for sharing Terry. I find joy in Jesus my Savior. He allows me to feel daily joy - in a loved one, special friends, nature, my kittens, His Word. Gratitude is so important too! We are so blessed.

  3. Joy... Paul describes follower of Jesus possessing a deep joy. Thanks for sharing your joy!

  4. Joy... Paul describes follower of Jesus possessing a deep joy. Thanks for sharing your joy! - Kevin Starcher
