Thursday, October 29, 2020

Investing In The Future

I had another blog prepared for this week, more of a girl's type blog about friendships.  It's saved and will be used at a later date.  But, for some reason, it really didn't resonate for this week and the times we have found ourselves in.  Oddly or not so oddly as a friend of mine would say, I heard a talk radio interview with a money manager, finance type guy and he was talking about investing for the future.  Then it hit me, Investing In The Future is a much more appropriate theme for this week.  As always, these are my thoughts and beliefs so hold on tight as we commence.

Investing in the future is much more than our finances, bank accounts, mutual funds or CD's waiting to mature.  Investing in the future is much more than buying a few silver bars or gold coins. Investing in the future is an investment in our entire way of life as we know it.  By this time, if you're in my age group and you haven't got a few dollars socked away, then you're going to live hand to mouth for the rest of your life.  Rest assured, it's doable, just be careful with how you spend and you'll be fine.  Investing in the future is a physical, emotional and a spiritual investment into a lifestyle one wants to live.  In my case, I have 25 good years left, how do I want to live them going forward?.

Physically, I'm in good shape, tip top for lack of better wording.  Who out there can also say the same?  I've eliminated sugar completely from my diet, I keep to a low or no carb diet and I exercise at least three times a week?  Is this enough I ask myself? I feel better right now than I did ten years ago.  Yes I could lose that stubborn ten pounds Covid and depression handed me.  When I look in the mirror, I can truly say I look okay for a sixty five year old baby boomer.  So check mark on the physical side of life.

How is the emotional side doing?  Well, I'm doing fine finally on that side of the equation.  Yes, it's been a rough six months but I'm on the back side of it now.  Life is good in Idaho, fresh air, sunshine, good friends and plenty to keep me busy, has cured the "what ailed" me.  I'm not fragile anymore or prone to tears, I have a smile on my face and a song in my heart.  I can truly say I love life again and I'm ready for a new adventure.  The next trip to the UK is on paper but the wait to travel again is still on.  We'll see but for now, check mark on emotional.

So then we get to spiritual...  Years ago, when I attended Catholic mass I used to ask myself, what is this?  What is it I'm supposed to believe in?  As time went by, I realized this is not for me, too much church doctrine not enough Biblical truth.  Please understand, this is my opinion only and I do not wish to insult my Catholic friends.  I frankly am one to say, if this is what and how you want to believe, God be with you.  I am not arrogant enough to claim I know the perfect way to believe, no one is actually.  

To continue on with the spiritual side of life, 22 years ago I started attending evangelical churches, catering to "my way or the highway."  The luster has finally worn off and I now clearly see that wasn't for me either.  So now what, I asked myself about 2 years ago?  So as I'm sure my readers are asking, where are you spiritually now, Terry?  What do you believe in and have you invested in the future spiritually?  

Here I go, wading into deep waters and horror of horrors the truth as I have come to understand it.  I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.  I believe in what the Bible has to offer but have come to understand, there is more to it than that.  These last two years I began to expand my horizons, investigate beliefs that may be outside the conventional norm and what most of the people I know can comprehend.  What I have come out with is that there is one God, the ruler of the Universe and he directs my daily life.  I meditate daily, listen to my inner voice and she directs my every thought and move.  I also believe in my angels, they're in the Bible, I can feel them with me through out the day, leaving me little signs they're listening.  Jesus knows me well and knows that I'm open and honest with him.  Is my spiritual future secure? You betcha!  I know when I die, wherever I go, I will be at peace.  Am I finally at peace with God?  Yes.  I've been very mad at him, more than once but in the long run, he's never failed me.  Is my investment in my spiritual future secure, check mark a big fat yes thank you.  Is my way good for everyone?  No but it's my way, the way I've come to understand and enjoy. 

As I close this week's blog, I just thank the God of the Universe for bringing me peace, joy, love and my Investment in The Future.   I am grateful for my way of life here in the United States.  I am asking Him now to bring the World peace, harmony, joy and love in the coming years.  

The Daily Word's affirmation for Thursday, August 27, 1981 was "Investment." "Today I make an investment in life and life repays me richly." The accompanying  verse was "The point is this: Whoever  sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows with blessings shall also reap from blessings:  each one giving, just as he has determined in his heart, neither out of sadness, nor out of obligation. For God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9: 6-7


  1. Thanks be to God for the promise of our faith. As always, excellent writings. - Kevin

  2. Thank you Kevin. See you on Sunday!
