Thursday, October 22, 2020

Waking Up In Autumn

Autumn is arguably my favorite time of year.  The other seasons are just fine as they are significant to Mother Earth and ourselves.  But, Autumn is my time, the time when we wind down the year, reflect on our blessings and welcome in winter.  I love the smell of the air, orange and red leaves and pumpkins everywhere one looks.  Because we are reflecting,  this week let's take a gander back in time.  Let's reflect one last time on 2020 The Year That Was.  What has this year has taught us (me mostly) and what should we reflect on this autumn?

As I've mentioned in previous blogs, 2020 started out with promise, friendship and a profound sense of wellbeing.  My thought processes had shifted, I had learned to trust again and frankly I opened my heart and soul.  I don't plan to dwell on this sad topic any longer as it's boring, redundant and frankly not worth my breath.   Suffice to say, it's in the past where it belongs and thank you Jesus I have moved forward.  However,  its still an integral part of 2020 but the book is now closed and put away on the shelf of time. 

So as we are now firmly entrenched in Autumn leaves and shifting towards winter, my readers may be asking; Terry  what did you learn from all this?   What I want to say is, lessons were learned the hard way, trust was tested and caution now being employed.  I'm reticent to open my soul again as my heart was betrayed.  As a woman it's hard to admit, as we seem to be very anxious to trust.  What I want to impart to my women friends is however; go slow, be cautious and keep your eyes wide open.  

So for me, 2020 The Year That Was, simply sucked.  Where in this autumn season do I go from here?  Where as a society do we go as we can not continue as we are now?  Since now I am almost fully "Woke,"  I of course have a few suggestions. I am writing this mostly for my women readers but men may learn something as well.

  • Trust but with abundant caution. The news media, social media, any media should be listened to and dissected for half truths and lies.  The lies and distortions being spewed are pure evil. 
  • Listen carefully and if something smells wrong, it's wrong.  Simply trust your gut.
  • Be cautious with feelings, information and your thought processes.  TMI is not healthy and will set one up for heartbreak and deceit. 
  • Listen to that still small voice of the Divine.  It will speak as loudly as you allow it to and it's never wrong.  
  • Trust and Obey.   If your still small voice says no, obey because the answer is no.  If it's enthusiastic, then go forward with joy and happiness.
  • Wake Up and enjoy life.  Waking up is a concept more than getting out of bed in the morning.  Being woke means one is fully engaged with life, with your inner self, with the Divine.  Being woke means your senses are on high frequency and tuned in to what God is saying.  I woke up and my understanding is becoming oh so clear.
  • Eliminate guilt from your life.  Don't be guilty because of mistakes you may have made.  We all make them and will continue to do so.  Traditional thought is centered around guilt and judgement.  Our toughest critic is ourselves.  Just stop, bless the mistake and move forward. 
  • Bless those who have caused you grief.  When one blesses, one frees themselves from the chains and ties that continue to bind us in our grief process.  I have done this, it works.  You will feel free again and your soul will be at peace. 
  • Finally, and this topic has been discussed ad nauseam, forgive.  Nuff said.
In conclusion, Autumn is the time when we take that assessment of the year and settle ourselves into the cold of winter.  I'm anxious to find out how winter plays out here in Boise.  I know it will be cold, it will snow but I'll embrace the season with joy.  Cold, snow and ice will turn into flowers in the spring, a new beginning and anticipation for the good things that will come.  I have an abundance of hope for 2021.  The Year That Was will become in 2021, the Year of Promise.  2021 will be a year we forgive the past, anticipate the future and Wake Up to our new beginning.  I'm excited for 2021.  I'm excited to see what God has in store for me, my family, my friends, for my country and for the world. 

2021 The Year of Promise, the name has a sweet ring to it.  

Tuesday May 10, 2005, The Daily Word published this affirmation about Guidance and Promise: "I live a life of promise and purpose as I follow a divine plan of good."  The accompanying scripture verse was: "You are indeed my rock and my fortress; for your name's sake lead me and guide me."  Psalm 31:3.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Keep up your great writing and reflections. - Kevin
